Pirate X Pirate on BNB Chain
Price: $0.0₃1476
Token: 0x93c27727e72ec7510a06ea450366c1418c4ce547
Pair: 0xf4a7480948f11a0205d616258dcf43e9daae0586
Token: 0x93c27727e72ec7510a06ea450366c1418c4ce547
Pair: 0xf4a7480948f11a0205d616258dcf43e9daae0586
Change 24h
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Added to BNB
2 years ago
Updated: 2024-11-11 21:23 UTC
Created: 2022-7-14 03:22 UTC
Introducing Pirate X Pirate (PXP): A New Arrival on the BNB Chain
Welcome to the detailed profile of Pirate X Pirate (PXP), the latest addition to the BNB Chain. As an exciting new cryptocurrency token, Pirate X Pirate (PXP) was launched with the intent to join the thriving BNB Chain ecosystem.
This token operates on the BNB Chain, an infrastructure that supports the creation and execution of decentralized applications (dApps) and allows users to transact in digital currencies seamlessly and securely.
At NewCoinHub, we provide up-to-date and comprehensive data about Pirate X Pirate (PXP) including its current price, trading volume, liquidity status, and the number of holders. We also supply the official smart contract address, crucial for those interested in further exploration or investment.
Please note that the world of cryptocurrency can be volatile and unpredictable. We encourage all visitors to perform their own due diligence and research when considering investments. For the most accurate and recent data, continue to refer to this page, as we strive to update our information in real-time.
Read on to learn more about Pirate X Pirate (PXP) and find answers to some frequently asked questions.
Token overview
What is Pirate X Pirate (PXP)?
Pirate X Pirate (PXP) is a newly launched cryptocurrency token on the BNB Chain. We encourage all potential investors to do their due diligence and thoroughly research new tokens before making any investment decisions.
What is the price of Pirate X Pirate today?
As of our latest update, the current price of one Pirate X Pirate (PXP) is approximately $0.0₃1476. Please note that cryptocurrency prices are extremely volatile and can change rapidly.
How do I buy Pirate X Pirate?
You can purchase Pirate X Pirate (PXP) by using the 'trade' button on NewCoinHub. Alternatively, PancakeSwap is another platform that allows trading of Pirate X Pirate.
What is Pirate X Pirate smart contract address?
The smart contract address for Pirate X Pirate (PXP) is 0x93c27727e72ec7510a06ea450366c1418c4ce547. Always verify smart contract addresses before making transactions to avoid scams.
What is the Pirate X Pirate Market Cap Today?
The market cap of Pirate X Pirate (PXP) as of today is $147,612.91. Market cap, which is the total value of all tokens in circulation, is calculated by multiplying the current price by the total supply of the token.
What is the last 24h Pirate X Pirate trading volume?
The trading volume of Pirate X Pirate (PXP) in the last 24 hours was $2.87. Trading volume represents the total number of tokens traded on all exchanges in the past 24 hours.
How much liquidity does Pirate X Pirate have?
As of now, the liquidity of Pirate X Pirate (PXP) is $3,870.87. Liquidity refers to the ease with which a cryptocurrency can be bought or sold without affecting its price.
How many people are holding Pirate X Pirate?
Currently, there are 5567 holders of Pirate X Pirate (PXP). This number refers to the total count of unique addresses holding at least some amount of Pirate X Pirate.
Frequently asked questions
What is a Newly Launched Crypto Token?
A newly launched crypto token is a type of cryptocurrency that has recently been released to the market. These tokens are often introduced through a process known as an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Initial Dex Offering (IDO), or similar launch mechanism.
What is the BNB Chain?
The BNB Chain, formerly known as the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), is a blockchain network built for running smart contract-based applications. It's designed to be fast and efficient, with a focus on enabling the creation and exchange of new tokens.
What is PancakeSwap?
PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) running on the BNB Chain. Users can trade directly from their wallets in an automated manner, offering liquidity in exchange for fees.
What is a smart contract address?
A smart contract address is a unique identifier within a blockchain where a smart contract resides. Transactions, including token buying or selling, interact with these addresses.
What does token liquidity mean?
Token liquidity refers to how easily a token can be bought or sold without causing significant price changes. High liquidity usually means that the token can handle large trading volumes without substantial price swings.
What does token trading volume mean?
Token trading volume is the total quantity of a token that has been traded (bought and sold) during a specific period, typically 24 hours. It provides insight into the token's activity and popularity.
What is a token holder?
A token holder is a person or entity that owns some quantity of a specific cryptocurrency token. The number of holders can be indicative of a token's distribution and its community size.
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Data provided by ApeSpace.Io